The DTO System works in 3 different ways, UNDERSTANDING, PINPOINTING, and SWITCHING OFF
The first part is the simplest to explain but possibly the hardest to get your head around.
The DTO System works in 3 different ways, UNDERSTANDING, PINPOINTING, and SWITCHING OFF
The first part is the simplest to explain but possibly the hardest to get your head around.
Fulfilling spousal Responsibility
For years my mind has been in a state of confusion - fulfilling an honourable spousal responsibility whilst battling with ever increasing levels of personal guilt, frustration and unhappiness. In the beginning I was able to ignore these “selfish” negatives simply believing that these were the cards I had been dealt and that nothing could change. However, with time (circa 15 years) the anguish and resentment became more prevalent in my everyday life. My mind was tired and confused, I felt lost and trapped and no matter how hard I searched for a solution I simply couldn’t find any answers. A good friend saw the change in my character and urged me to contact Jonathan. I remember the day I finally called to explain what was wrong and my need for help. I battled to contain my emotions but being truthful to a reassuring voice was the perfect start in dealing with the distress that had plagued me for so long. Each session I’ve had with Jonathan has been amazingly beneficial - he showed empathy, was not judgmental and got me to admit, accept and deal with my feelings/emotions. He helped me find solitude, alleviated the guilt and restored calm to my heart and mind. I have been able to identify how I want to feel and how I need to get there for the benefit on me and my family. In doing so the anguish and confusion has dissipated and a solution has come out of the depths of despair. I have now found a path that I didn’t think was possible to walk on. As a 40 something male in this day and age its extremely difficult to face up to the emotional distress and heartache we often face. Jonathan’s help has left me stronger and more confident. Things can only get better from here. Thanks Jonathan - I will be forever grateful